Prayer and Trust
Peace comes to those who have learned to trust in God. To place all things from our life into His hands. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Jesus tells us (Matthew 11:28).
We can have peace from sorrow, from fear, from insecurity, from all our problems and stresses. Christ is our Saviour, He is our Great Physician, God is our Heavenly Father. We must endeavor to follow Him faithfully every day, to do His will, to follow Him in every way. We must be willing to accept what He has counseled for us to follow knowing He has our best interests at heart. Trusting that at the times when we don’t understand what is happening, that He is in control, that He will only allow what is necessary to occur, He is working things out for His glory. We need to faithfully follow not only His Ten Commandments but His Eight Laws of Nature and Health. These will ensure that we will have a closer walk with Him.
At times, we ask God for health and healing, but God will not always work a miracle to protect us from disease or injury when we don’t care for ourselves, eating and living as we please. However, if we do all that we can, to obey God’s laws, we can trust that God will keep us in health and wellness for His glory, bringing peace to us, even if the health He provides is not as we imagine. And this holds true for all parts of our life, God is ultimately in control.